Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Easy Lemon Sponge Cake UK Recipe

For me, one of the easiest ways to make a sponge cake is with the all-in-one method this makes this recipe very simple and quick to do and another great recipe that you can do with the kids. It is also a great fallback sponge cake recipe and you can easily change the flavourings in this recipe to adapt it to any type of sponge cake you want, I’ve included a few variations below.
This all in one method is just so much quicker than the usual sponge cake recipe. Where instead of adding the ingredients in stages - creaming the butter and sugar, then adding the eggs and then folding in the dry ingredients - the allinone method is as you’d expect, you just simply beat all the ingredients together in one go. The cake mixing can be done by hand but the texture is even better if you whip up this cake batter by using a hand mixer, free-standing mixer or food processor, and this makes this is an even quicker cake recipe to do!